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CFHIas part of her regular program visits motherless babies’ homes. During these visits, gift items are given to both the children and the caregivers, trees are planted, free health services are offered and foodstuffs and toiletries are donated.

  • During one of such visits to the ANAWIM home, flowers were planted, a congenitally abnormal child who was to undergo a surgery and an on-going construction works were supported financially.  Members assisted in the domestic chores – washing of clothing, nursing of babies and care of the sick.
  • Similar effects are common with all these visits.
    • From inception, CFHI celebrates the Day of the African Child (DAC). In the past, ACASA in partnered with UNICEF, Human Right Commission, Nigerian Union of Journalist, etc. to mark DAC every June 16th. In these programs, the children make presentations like drama, sing songs, recitations etc. The program often ends with the formation of CFHI Child Protection Club.
    • In Rivers State, in partnership with Rotract Club District 9140, 714 children (under 4) were immunized against the 6 vaccine preventable diseases. 
    • This was followed with the opening of 4 immunization centres in Shamakop Medical Centre, Rapha Clinics, Blessed Maternity and Life Care Medical Centre in 1995/6.
    • With NYSC, CFHI organized a one day Girl Child Education Rally in Katcha community with full participation of the community leaders, religious leaders and elites. More than 1000 children and teachers were present at the program.


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